Quotes of Note – The Man in the High Castle: “Pilot”

the man in the high castleFrank Fink: “They won the war and they think modern art is degenerate.”
(As ash rains down from the sky)
Police Officer: “It’s the hospital. Tuesdays they burn cripples, the terminally ill – the drag on the state.”
Obergruppenführer: “Your orders are to flog this man until he answered your questions…has he answered your questions?”
Torturer: “No, Obergruppenführer.”
Obergruppenführer: “Then your orders are to keep flogging him, You torture men, do you have a problem with beating a man to death?”
Torturer: “No, Obergruppenführer.”
Obergruppenführer: “Good! Then do as you are told.”

Quotes of Note – Manhattan: “Last Reasoning of Kings”

MV5BMTEzMjY1ODYyMTheQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDE4NzQ1NDIx._V1_SX640_SY720_Jim Meeks: “Niels Bohr unlocked the secrets of all matter in the universe. He’s a God. God doesn’t work for Reed Akley.”
Jim Meeks: “Look at Oppenheimer, it’s his third cigarette in 10 minutes.”
Fritz Fedowitz: “They should give them a blindfold to go with it.”
Frank Winter: “No one’s coming to save us.”
Niels Bohr: “When I ask, ‘is it big enough,’ I meant is it big enough that no sane person would ever dare to use it?”