Quotes of Note – Halt and Catch Fire: “1984”

halt-and-catch-fire-episode-110-joe-pace-935Joe MacMillan: “I’m not talking about money, I’m talking about legacy.”
Gordon Clark (describing Apple’s 1984 commercial): “The girl who looks like Cameron threw the sledgehammer into the screen and freed all the weird slave-people.”
Cameron Howe: “You’re not the future, you’re a footnote. For a while you had me fooled, I thought you had a heartbeat. It wasn’t a heartbeat, it was an echo. I loved you because you recited my own ideas back to me and pretended they were your own. You want to know the truth? You’re exactly who you were the day your mom let you fall off that roof. Just a sad little boy with a lot of wasted potential.”
Cameron Howe: “A lot of people are going to want us to fail. But that’s because we’re the future. And there’s nothing scarier than that.”
Gordon Clark: “So, what’s next?”

Quote of Note – Manhattan: “You Always Hurt the One You Love”

MV5BNDAwOTgzMjg0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODg5Mzg5MTE@._V1_SX640_SY720_Frank Winter: “We’re building a weapon unlike any weapon the world ever seen…It releases the power of an ancient star. If it works, and it’s going to work, it’ll be more destructive than all the bombs dropped in all the wars in history put together. It’ll bring armies to their knees cities will disappear in the blink of an eye. The world will be united in peace by the most noble and just country in the history of mankind. Or it will burn to the ground. Whoever builds it first, that’s the end game. So it has to be us.”