Underbelly: Fat Tony & Co.

Back in 2008 the Australian crime drama TV series Underbelly premiered. That first season dealt with a real-life gangland war in Melbourne in the mid 1990s with each subsequent season following different real-life Australian “Jacks vs crims” from heroin smugglers in the 1970s to a modern-day drug kingpin murderer in Sydney.

Since that first season premiered there’s been a total of six Underbelly series and three TV movies all with different stories and with different casts.

That’s why the upcoming seventh Underbelly series Fat Tony & Co. is so interesting. Fat Tony & Co. goes back to the events of the first Underbelly series and tells a parallel story from the POV of a minor character there. But the really cool part is that from the looks of the TV commercial promoting the show, they’ve also got most of the original cast back too six years after they parted ways after the end of the original Underbelly.

Fat Tony & Co. is set to premiere this November in Australia and currently DIRECTV airs Underbelly here in the US, so I’d assume that if and when Fat Tony & Co. premiered here it’d be sometime in ’15.

The Best TV Series of 2013

The start of the 2012-13 TV season was little more than a barren wasteland. Of the few new shows I checked out last season there wasn’t any I stuck with for more than a few episodes. To say I was depressed this time last year at the state of TV would not have been an understatement.

But then something happened. Once ’12 ended and we rang in ’13 all sorts of interesting TV series began appearing, to the point that I’d call 2013 one of the better years for quality TV in recent memory.

Charles Dance in Game of Thrones
Charles Dance in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones (HBO)

I’ve really liked Game of Thrones since it premiered back in ’11, but it wasn’t until this year that I thought it was the best show on TV. And that’s not a dig on previous seasons of the series whatsoever. Game of Thrones has always been great and it’s been getting better and better with each new season of the show. Plus now that we’re a few seasons in, I think the audience is a lot more invested in the series and its characters than before since we’ve gotten to know and “live with” the series these last few years.

Game of Thrones is the rare show where every action taken by the characters has consequences; some good, some bad and some both, and seemingly no character is safe from unexpectedly meeting their demise and earning a quick exit from the show. It’s almost to the point where I wonder who’ll still be in the last episode of the series who was also in the first?

The cast of Hannibal

Hannibal (NBC)

One of the biggest surprises to me earlier this year was the network TV series Hannibal. Let that sink in for a minute, a network drama is one of the best shows of the year. While Hannibal has some of the trappings of a procedural cop series; flashy cases of the week, a wide cast of characters. Hannibal also breaks that same mold in that the title character of the show Will Graham (the wonderful Hugh Dancy) is actually a unique character I don’t think we’ve ever seen on TV before. His “gift,” if you can call it a gift, is that he can relate to an extreme level with serial killers while investigating their motivations for killing. But Graham begins to question his sanity when working with a pre-jail Hannibal Lecter (the equally wonderful Mads Mikkelsen) who councils Graham and begins to bend his mind to Lecter’s sick and twisted will.

Keri Russell in The Americans
Keri Russell in The Americans

The Americans (FX)

The other TV surprise this season was The Americans and unfortunately I had almost written off The Americans before I’d even seen it. For whatever reason I just didn’t think the show was going to be very good and only watched it since I watch a lot first episodes of series just be sure I’m really not missing anything. But literally five minutes into The Americans that’s about Soviet spies in Washington DC in the 1980 but is just as much about how relationships between couples work I was hooked.

Veep (HBO)

Veep is the one show in the last few years that I laugh hard enough while watching that I literally have to pause it in order to compose myself in order not to miss the next big laugh.

Taylor Schilling and Yael Stone in Orange is the New Black
Taylor Schilling and Yael Stone in Orange is the New Black

Orange is the New Black (Netflix)

I think the biggest revelation this year was just how good TV series could be that wasn’t on a traditional channel, the best of which was Orange is the New Black on Netflix. The only reason this series isn’t much higher on my list is that there were so many other good series on TV this year in competition.

Mob City (TNT)

I’m not sure if it’s a genius move on the part of TNT to air the entire Mob City series over the course of three weeks, or a bone-headed one? Maybe viewers will dig watching all of Mob City quickly, or maybe it’ll all get lost in the clutter of the holidays? Regardless, I really dug this one and hope that the new year will bring tidings of comfort and of joy AND more episodes of Mob City.

Gillian Anderson in The Fall
Gillian Anderson in The Fall

The Fall (Netflix)

Another interesting series on Netflix, abet not an original production like with Orange, was The Fall. Starring Gillian Anderson as Detective Inspector Stella Gibson, The Fall follows Gibson as she tracks a serial killer on the streets of Belfast, Ireland. The interesting bit about The Fall is how the partisanship of Belfast works into everything and that we spend as much time with the killer and his cute family who have no idea that the “normal” dad is really a monster as we do with Gibson.

Underbelly: Badness (DirecTV)

I’m guessing I’m the only American who watches this Aussie crime drama import, now in its sixth year, but I thought Underbelly: Badness was a return to greatness for this series that had lagged in recent years.

Noah Wyle in Falling Skies
Noah Wyle in Falling Skies

Falling Skies (TNT)

I think I may be in the minority here when I say this, but to me Falling Skies was actually better this third season than the last. And I really liked that season too.

Young Justice (Cartoon Network)

The most overlooked show on TV the last few years was Young Justice, which ended this season. What I liked best about Young Justice was that it was the rare show, animated or otherwise, where the characters experienced actual change during the course of the series. It seems that we live in a world where once we get to the parts of the story that are actually interesting — Is Batman getting too old to fight crime? Can Spider-Man have a life outside of web-slinging? — that the story is ended and a new one rebooted so we can start at the beginning yet again.

But the characters of Young Justice actually grew and changed and matured over the too short two seasons of that show.

Danai Gurira in The Walking Dead
Danai Gurira in The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead (AMC)

I feel like The Walking Dead is still one of the best shows on TV, if it’s getting a bit harder and harder to watch now in its fourth season. I like the characters of The Walking Dead and it’s tough to see bad things happen to them time and time again living on a dangerous, zombie infested world. And simple put, I’m not sure how much more I can take of that. At a certain point my desire for the characters to escape their bleak world, which, according to the creator of the comic book will never happen, will collide with not being able to stomach the all the bad in The Walking Dead and I’ll bail on the show. It just hasn’t happened yet. 😉

What to watch: Summer ’13 edition

Usually, the summer TV season means lots of interesting fall shows go on break which are replaced with lots of uninteresting reality shows and other burn-off series the networks don’t have much confidence in. Last season was a bit different. Not much the networks did was successful and, other than a short lived but intense period of quality TV this spring, I didn’t find much of anything to watch last fall/winter on TV.

But this summer there are more than a few series I’m watching/planning to check out.

Under the Dome on CBS
Under the Dome on CBS

Falling Skies, Sundays at 10 on TNT
TNT’s drama about the remnants of humanity fighting back against an alien invasion sill delivers the goods. Now in its’ third season, a new alien race has been introduced that might just give what’s left of the human race the upper hand on the other alien invaders. But can these new aliens be trusted, or do they want the planet for themselves?

Family Tree, Sundays at 10 on HBO
I’m digging this Christopher Guest improvised comedy about Tom Chadwick (Chris O’Dowd) who inherits a trunk of family heirlooms and decides to go on a genealogical journey to find his roots.

Under the Dome, Mondays at 10 on CBS
I’m genuinely excited about this one about an otherworldly dome that suddenly covers a small town in Maine. My only caveats are; it’s on CBS and CBS isn’t exactly known for risky or innovative series, I quite liked the ending of the Under the Dome novel and CBS version of the series will be open ended with an eye to bringing the show back again next year if it’s successful. Still Under the Dome in 2014 then?

Underbelly: Badness
Underbelly: Badness

Underbelly: Badness Wednesdays at 9 on Audience Network (DIRECTV)
I greatly enjoyed the first two seasons of this Australian series but thought the third was just alright but I didn’t care all that much for the fourth series or the three TV movies that followed. I only checked out Badness because there wasn’t much else on and I was happy to find that this series marks a return to greatness for this true-life crime drama franchise.

The Fall, Netflix
Watching Hannibal the same time I started watching The Fall on Netflix almost gave me serial killer drama overload. Luckily, The Fall takes a different tact on serial killers. Here, Gillian Anderson plays Stella Gibson, a detective who’s trying to find a killer of women (Jamie Dornan) in Belfast, Ireland. In The Fall, the story plays out with Gibson searching for the killer and the killer planning his next attack. Gibson has got to be one of strongest female characters on TV, maybe ever.

Orange Is the New Black, available July 11 on Netflix
This drama/comedy about life behind the bars of a women’s prison is by Jenji Kohan who also created the hit series Weeds.

The Bridge on FX
The Bridge on FX

The Newsroom, Sundays beginning July 14 on HBO
The second season of Aaron Sorkin’s drama about the inner-workings of Will McAvoy’s nightly new show promises to bring more intrigue and long Sorkin speeches to the cable news game.

The Bridge , Wednesdays beginning July 10 on FX
Based on a Scandinavian crime drama of the same name, in The Bridge one detective from the US (Diane Kruger) and one from Mexico (Demián Bichir) must investigate the murder of a woman found literally on the border of these two countries.

Low Winter Sun 8/11, Sundays beginning August 11 on AMC
This one is based on a British series. Here, a cop kills another cop but instead of getting away with murder finds himself stuck on the other side of the law.