Quotes of Note – Hannibal: “Su-zakana”

Alana Bloom: “The only thing stranger than finding a woman inside a horse is seeing you back in therapy with Will Graham.”
Hannibal Lecter: “It is healthy he is back in therapy – with a good psychiatrist.”
Will Graham: “I discovered a truth about myself when I tried to have you killed.”
Hannibal Lecter: “That doing bad things to bad people makes you feel good.”
Hannibal Lecter: “I’m much weirder than you’ll ever be…it’s fine to be weird.”
Will Graham: “I am alone in (the) darkness.”
Hannibal Lecter: “You’re not alone Will, I’m standing right beside you.”
Hannibal Lecter: “Will, this is not the reckoning you promised yourself.”
Hannibal Lecter: “I can feed the caterpillar and I can whisper through the chrysalis but what hatches follows it’s own nature and is beyond me.”


Quotes of Note – Hannibal: “Yakimono”

Miriam Lass: “I wasn’t spared, he was saving me for last.”
Will Graham: “The way you think I am isn’t always a reliable guide to who I am.”
Alana Bloom: “Is he (Hannibal) safe?”
Will Graham: “From me or for you?”
Hannibal Lecter: “How would killing me make you feel?”
Will Graham: “Righteous.”
Hannibal Lecter: “Don’t you want to know how this ends?”
Will Graham: “If you run you’ll look guilty.”
Frederick Chilton: “You did not run and you looked plenty guilty.”

Hannibal - Season 2