Hannibal season 1 recap & season 2 preview CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on January 26, 2014https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBrwY_NpgB4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPoF9PSv3ws
CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on December 27, 2013December 27, 2013Cool Syd Mead art I idolized this guy in art school and still have a great deal of respect for his work. Syd imagined our present day from back in the 1970s and 1980s. And while he got a lot wrong, he got a lot right t…
CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on February 13, 2014Batman the Animated Series figures These new figures are due out sometime this year. More info here. [gallery columns="2" ids="6397,6398"]…