‘The Doctors Revisited: The Second Doctor’ Premiers Sun (2/24) on BBC America

timthumb-1The second of 11 specials on Doctor Who is set to premiere this Sunday (2/24) on BBC America.

The Second Doctor brought a new energy to the series. With his impish charm and boundless enthusiasm, the show began to evolve and change. Join ‘The Doctors Revisited’ as we take a look at this new approach to the character, meet his fearless Scottish highlander companion Jamie McCrimmon and take a close look at one of the most iconic of his foes, the emotionless Cybermen!


Aliens4“Yeah, go ahead and push the button already…”

Gearbox’s latest release “Aliens: Colonial Marines” pulls in a whopping 46% score.

Billed as being a sequel to the original “Aliens” Movie, enthusiasts of the series complain that the game simply needed a whole lot more polish.

Textures are muddy, “Woeful AI for the Aliens themselves”, shoddy lighting.. you name it, it seems the game has it all.

And to top it off, Gearbox actually out-sourced the Console versions (Xbox and PS3) to a third party developer for completion.

To quote IGN.com “Aliens: Colonial Marines is an uninspired and unfinished game, and not remotely worthy as a sequel to the Aliens film.”

Shame on Gearbox! This could have been one of the best games around!

Guess ill keep on playing Dead Space 3!

Summer Movie Preview

Pacific RimI cannot describe to you how much this time of year I look forward to the summer movie season. From now until May I almost literally count the days until the first movie premiers. This year, as it has the last seven years, the first film of the summer season will be a movie from Marvel Entertainment; Iron Man 3 on May 3.

Iron Man 3 introduces a new writer and director to the franchise, Shane Black. Black had previously worked with Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark) on the movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2004) which I loved, so I’m really excited about seeing what they can come up with together here.

Click here to read the whole summer movie preview.