Space: Above and Beyond Review #13: Level of Necessity

Originally aired January 14, 1996

The 58th are battling the Chigs in the tunnels of planet Daedalus when Lt. Vanessa Damphousse begins experiencing weird visions that predict doom. When a military adviser arrives to test Damphousse for psychic ability and the 58th returns to Daedalus will her visions help or hinder the team?

Paul Wang
Paul Wang

For whatever reason I remember “Level of Necessity” as being a dull episode but it’s actually not one of the bad ones. I think I remember it not being that good because it’s sandwiched between two of the great ones; “Who Monitors the Birds” and the next “Never No More.”

If “The River of Stars” was a Paul Wang episode and “Who Monitors the Birds” a Cooper Hawkes one, then “Level of Necessity” is most certainly a Damphousse episode. Other than a bit at the beginning with the 58th in the tunnels and a longer stretch at the end, most of this episode is of Damphousse and Col. Matthew Burke (Richard Kind) together in a darkened room trying to figure out if she has psychic powers or not.

This all came about when the 58th were underground and along with the 46th on some claustrophobic mission in tunnels against the Chigs. When the two teams were changing levels Damphousse could sense something was amiss. She “just knew” something was wrong and could also see a weird glow around the 46th. And when the 46th pushed on without the 58th since Damphousse wouldn’t let them proceed the 46th were wiped out by a Chig attack.

Colonel Matthew Burke and Vanessa Damphousse
Colonel Matthew Burke and Vanessa Damphousse

After TC. McQueen submitted his report on the incident, citing an “anomalous intuition,” Burke arrived to test Damphousse. What’s interesting here is that while he discovers that she probably does have psychic abilities, he also figures out that they’re only triggered by a rush of adrenalin, so back into the tunnels they go for some on the ground testing as it were.

“Level of Necessity” also features a few replacement members of the 58th which has become a theme of late. There’s a replacement 58th from the 46th named Lubin along with Kelly Anne Winslow (Tasia Valenza) who’s been a member of the 58th for a little while now. Lubin is only around for this episode to seemingly voice his disapproval of Damphousse and the 58th and Winslow will play a key role in upcoming episodes.

TC McQueen in font of a map of planet Daedalus
TC McQueen in font of a map of planet Daedalus

Where “Level of Necessity” doesn’t work is that it lingers just a bit too long on the Burke and Damphousse story leaving the rest of the 58th on the sidelines for much of this episode.

One of the interesting bits here is that this is one of the first times, if not the, that I can recall the 58th not wanting to go on a mission. After Burke tests Damphousse for her abilities, comes up with some interesting results but nothing definitive, he has the team go back to Daedalus alone to uncover a Chig ammo dump. And they only have 11 hours to do it before they’re left behind when the Saratoga and the fleet pulls out. With the odds stacked against them on every turn the 58th actively voices their disagreements of going on the mission. It’s too dangerous, they’re right, and the rewards are too few, right again.

I’m not sure if this was an overall decision by the series creators to have the 58th being seen as maturing as characters and not totally wanting to put their lives on the line for something with so little reward or just a scene that needed to be there to add a bit of tension to the episode. But it totally works.

Grade: B-


Stray Observations:

Vanessa Damphousse
Vanessa Damphousse

“Level of Necessity” is the last episode of the series to use the original SAaB title sequence.

Damphousse was born in upstate New York, graduated from Caltech, is an engineer and is either 24 or 25 years old.

“The Tunnels of Daedalus” sounds like a lost episode of Doctor Who.

Matthew Burke is from the Seventh Marine Air Wing.

I’m assuming Matthew Burke’s last name is an homage to Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) in Aliens.


Possible goof:
I’m not sure that Damphousse’s psychic abilities are ever mentioned again.


Favorite dialog:
(To Cooper Hawkes after he was literally buried alive.)
Shane Vansen: “Shake it off.”

Matthew Burke: “What if you had psychic powers?”

Vanessa Damphousse: “The greatest liability to a Marine is doubt.”

Shane Vansen: “Your vision doesn’t change our orders”

Space: Above and Beyond Review #12: Who Monitors the Birds?

Originally aired January 7, 1996

Cooper Hawkes is selected to go on a top secret mission away from the rest of the 58th with a reward of being released from his obligations to the Marines if the mission is a success. But even if Hawkes is able to pull off the impossible, where will he go if he leaves the only home he’s ever known?

Cooper Hawkes
Cooper Hawkes

“Who Monitors the Birds” is another episode I think of when I think of Space: Above and Beyond, and watching it again I was surprised just how well this episode has held up over years. There’s almost no dialog in “Who Monitors the Birds” and everything’s told through action. But I’d guess that even in an episode with very little talking we learn more about the Cooper Hawkes character here than we had in the previous 11 episodes.

In this episode, Hawkes is picked among the rest of the 58th by Major John R. Colquitt (the always wonderful Dale Dye) to land on a Chig planet and assassinate one of their leaders. Since Hawkes is really only in the Marines since it was either joining up or going to prison Colquitt offers him an immediate honorable discharge from the Corps if their mission is successful.

Hawkes makes friends with a Chig
Hawkes makes friends with a Chig

Much of “Who Monitors the Birds” plays out after the two have landed, done the deed with Hawkes on the run from the Chigs. During their escape Colquitt was killed and Hawkes wounded and he spends much of the episode drifting in and out of consciousness. When he’s out the episode flashes back to his past from Hawke’s being selected by Colquitt to all the way back when he was a relative newborn being taught at some sick and twisted combat school for Invitro kids.

I think it would be easy in “Who Monitors the Birds” to either place more emphasis with Hawkes on the run from the Chigs or more emphasis on his past since inevitably one is more interesting than the other. But here episode writers, who were series creator Glen Wong and James Morgan, were able to balance the story so what’s taking place in the past is just as important/interesting as what’s taking place in 2064.

Creepy monitor #2
Creepy monitor #2

In flashbacks we learn that Hawkes is really just six years old since Invitros are born in adult bodies. Originally the Invirtos were made to be soldiers in wars that regular humans didn’t want to fight and in “Who Monitors the Birds” we get a glimpse of one of a school setup to indoctrinate the Invitro kids. The kids are told that they’re “released from the burden of choice” and taught how to kill people in preparation for war.

Elements of this sort of classroom training were almost certainly taken from the book The Forever War that has as similar scene at the start of that novel. But watching “Who Monitors the Birds” again I wondered if the series Dark Angel (2000) that also took this same scene from the book The Forever War to open that series also borrowed the idea of the trainees being genetically engineered kids from SAaB too?

On the planet in 2064 Hawkes is able to incapacitate one of the Chig soldiers who seemingly offers him a memento from his armor as a peace offering which Hawkes reciprocates. We also see that same Chig taking in some of the vistas of the alien planet they’re on too. Which will later on come into play as we start to see the Chigs not as some dirty alien species set on galactic domination but more of a sentient race with hopes and needs of their own.

Chig via night vision
Chig via night vision

After the two seperates Hawkes ambushes and kills a Chig patrol of which the friendly alien just happens to be a member. Which begs the question; were the Chigs out hunting Hawkes or were they out looking to help him?

As Hawkes tries to escape from the Chigs who are hunting him we also meet what I’ll call Lady Death played here by Kristen Cloke. Lady Death is a creepy spirit that seems to haunt Hawkes as he’s on the run. Is she part of Hawkes’ consciousness trying to warn him of the approaching Chigs or is she some real spirit trying to steal his soul to the afterlife? We never find out for sure and that adds to much of the unease of Lady Death’s appearance in this episode.

Grade: A


Stray observations:

Lady Death
Lady Death

Cooper Hawkes service number is “948-98-01-01446” and his Invitro Registration Number is “866/8557-44-051553.”

John R. Colquitt’s service number is “723-449-6021” and his blood type is b-negative.

Cooper Hawkes was born in either 2057 or ’58 and is six years old at the time of this episode.

The episode takes place in 2064 meaning that the SAaB episodes are playing out in real time since they started in 2063.

The first eight minutes of the episode have no dialog other than an opening narration.

There is a group called the “Fleet Imagery Interpenetration Unit” in the Marines.



Hawkes birthday
Hawkes birthday

We learn that the episode takes place in January but Hawkes’ watch says it’s November. Which I can’t imagine would be set wrong with him being a commando.

Hawkes says he’s six years old at the start of the episode, but an onscreen graphic has his birthday being 2053 making him 11.


Favorite dialog:

On screen slides in progression –
“You have been alive eight months.
The monitors are pleased with you.
To be monitored is to be free.
Spared the agony of decision.
Released from the burden of choice.
Invitros need only react.
To react how America want you to react.
America loves you.
One day you will return her love.
And defeat those trying to harm her.
Terrorists. Silicates. Subversives.
Today’s lesson will now begin.
There are seven 687 ways of killing a human being.
Method number one…”

Cooper Hawkes: “Monitor, who monitors the birds?”
Monitor: “I monitor the birds.”
Cooper Hawkes: “Who monitors you?”

Lady Death: “Until we meet again.”

Space: Above and Beyond Review #11: The River of Stars

Originally aired December 17, 1995

The 58th are en route to the Saratoga by shuttle when they’re attacked by Chig fighters. Adrift in space, without a radio and losing oxygen their only hope of survival lies in the most unexpected of places.

Wang surveys the universe
Wang surveys the universe

In my memory “The River of Stars” is one of the weaker early episodes of Space: Above and Beyond, yet watching it again for the first time in many years I can say that this is actually one of the better episodes of the series. It may even be the best one.

“River of Stars” is a “bottle episode,” mostly taking place in a few sets from the interior of the damaged shuttle with the 58th to the control room of the Saratoga. And I think it’s this element of being closed in with the characters having to deal with one without much outside elements to interfere that makes this episode work so well. “River of Stars” is also very much a Christmas episode, almost too much so. From it taking place at Christmas time to Christmas themes to the “Peace” Christmas message from the SAaB producers at the end of the episode it’s just on the wrong side of too much Christmas spirit.

Shuttle and comet
Shuttle and comet

Much of “River of Stars” is pretty standard stuff. The 58th is in a damaged shuttle that’s drifting off into deep space behind Chig lines. Their systems from power to oxygen are slowly depleting and they can receive radio communications but they can’t send them. Much of the episode deals with the 58th trying to figure a way out of the situation they’re in and TC McQueen aboard the Saratoga trying to figure a way to find his team before it’s too late.

The episode is satisfyingly a slow one, with the 58th talking and bonding as they drift towards an uncertain future. It’s almost the SAaB version of the Apollo 13 movie in many ways.

While it might be standard stuff all the interpersonal stuff between the characters here is really great. From Paul Wang having experienced so much bad in the war that he’s given up faith to Cooper Hawkes, who’s really a child only a few years old in the body of an adult, trying to figure out how to fit in and even McQueen not ever giving up hope that he’s going to bring his guys back alive. In all this “River of Stars” is well written and reveals more about the characters than any episode except maybe the first one.

Shane Vansen
Shane Vansen

Here too like with “Hostile Visit,” SAaB creators are setting up that there’s more to the Chigs than just them wanting to wipe humanity out. In “River of Stars” as the 58th drift towards oblivion they receive a mysterious radio transmission directing them to the nearby comet Yanelli Wimberly. Wang figures out that if they can take the shuttle into an orbit of the comet they can ride it out back to friendly space.

And while they’re never quite sure of just where this mysterious transmission came from they suspect it’s from the Chigs. And if the Chigs were the ones to send it and save the 58th why would they want to help and not just wipe them out?

I remember this episode as being more of an episode that features Paul Wang more than it really does. Wang does have a bigger than usual role here from fixing things around the ship to taking a space walk to reorient one of the shuttle’s engines to save the group. But this episode is really a whole 58th episode and doesn’t just focus on one person.

Grade: A.

Cooper Hawkes
Cooper Hawkes

Favorite dialog:

Nathan West (about the engines): “Shut them down! Vansen, shut them down!”
Shane Vansen: “I don’t have to. We’re out of fuel.”

Cooper Hawkes: “All I know about Christmas is that there was one day out of the year that everything in Philadelphia was closed. And it was lonelier than usual.”



ISSCV shuttles have solar arrays to provide backup power for situations like the 58th are in. But in this episode the unit are in deep space and no where near any close stars which would make the solar panels useless.

Wang describes seeing the constellation Eridanus, the “river of stars,” from his home in Chicago as a boy. There’s absolutely no way he could have more than a few stars of that constellation from light-polluted Chicago, let alone the whole thing.

The shuttle the 58th are in runs out of fuel at the beginning of the episode yet they’re able to burn the engines for 58 seconds at the end of the episode to orbit the comet.


Stray Observations:

The old and new 58th
The old and new 58th

Lt. Kelly Anne Winslow (Tasia Valenza) who’s a new member of the 58th is introduced in this episode. She’ll play a much larger role in later episodes.

The 58th are sporting new logo designs on their helmets.

What’s scarier, the prospect of getting blown away by a Chig fighter or slowly drifting off into space?

There’s a neat little moment here where the 58th talks about the idea of the immaculate conception. Some believe it’s true but Wang knows it’s impossible. But the rest 58th point out to him that Cooper Hawkes’ parents never were and here he is.

The 58th picks up an old TV transmission of the 1960s Batman TV theme song as they drift off into space.

This is the last episode of SAaB to air in 1995.

Charles Lacey Beach is a battleship the Saratoga is ordered to help.

Hawkes’ nickname for Wang is “Wanger.”

J. August Richards who plays Deathlok in Agents of SHIELD has a small part here as a pilot of the 32nd squadron, the Chigbusters, who find the 58th.

Space: Above and Beyond Review #10: Stay with the Dead

Originally aired December 3, 1995

Lt. Nathan West arrives aboard the USS Saratoga alone and seriously wounded with the rest of the 58th arriving KIA in body bags. West is having problems come to terms with the death of all his friends but when he can’t stop thinking “stay with the dead,” West realizes that the 58th might not all be gone after all.

Nathan West in hospital
Nathan West in hospital

“Stay with the Dead” is another Space: Above and Beyond episode that was much stronger than I remembered. This episode is an interesting study on what some combat vets go through after the battle’s over as well as having some interesting elements of cutting back and forth between Nathan West in the hospital at present with a brain injury and flashing back to him on the battlefield with the rest of the 58th.

The 58th are sent to a planet called Keres to rescue the 61st who were sent their to rescue the 72nd. But it’s a Chig held planet and the enemy has no qualms about booby trapping wounded Marines to kill anyone trying to help the injured. The 58th gets into a position where it’s a matter of them saving themselves rather than the 61st.

Paul Wang stalks the Chigs
Paul Wang stalks the Chigs

Much of the episode is told via flashbacks, glimpses really, that West has of the fight with the Chigs. Everyone on the Saratoga is convinced that the 58th are dead (spoiler alert, we’re not yet half way through the season, they’re not) but West has his doubts. But are those doubts a symptom of his injury or real?

In “Stay with the Dead” we get a good look at medical treatment in 2063. This treatment is a bit more advanced than it was back in ’95 when the episode aired but not more advanced than it really is today 19 years later. We also see some 2063 treatment options doctors use to treat vets with PTSD. Their solution is pretty brutal; to wipe the memory of the soldier to a point before the trauma. And no trauma = no PTSD. I can’t imagine that without consent given by the soldier for this to be done, which West never gives, this would be something that could ethically be done yet that’s what almost happens to West.

The big issue I have with this episode, other than a few small things which are below in the “Goofs,” is realistically anyone with the kind of wounds that Nathan West suffered in battle would be shipped home for better treatment. In three days West goes from recovering from his wounds to the doctors ready to wipe his memory which is BLAZING fast for medical treatment. Front line medical facilities are generally in place to provide immediate treatment and to stabilize the patient before shipping them off to better facilities behind the lines. And West, with a brain injury who’s going through an extreme version of PSTD would almost surly eventually be on a ship headed back somewhere safe before the memory-wipe.

Wounded and booby trapped  Hatfield
Wounded and booby trapped Hatfield

The twist with “Stay with the Dead” is that the living 58th had switched their uniforms with the dead 61st using htem to lure in the Chigs to an ambush. But things go wrong and much of the 58th were driven away during a counter attack leaving a wounded West to “stay with the dead.” And since the team from the Saratoga who recovered West also recovered the 61st wearing the uniforms of the 58th they think it’s the 58th who are dead and not the 61st. But at the last minute, just before the surgery, West remembers and is able to convince T.C. McQueen that the last hope the 58th have is with West having an unaltered memory.

I’m starting to come to the conclusion that while SAaB does have a season long story, mankind vs the Chigs, it’s probably a mistake to watch each episode with 21st century Lost/Sopranos/Battlestar Galactica/The Americans sensibilities where each episode is a direct chapter in this story. Watched alone without tying it directly to the previous or next episode, “Stay with the Dead” really works. We have a broken a battered West with a brain injury and an uncertain future. “Stay with the Dead” doesn’t really work taking into consideration that ALL of the 58th were suffering physical and mental injuries after the previous “Choice or Chance” so why were they on this mission in the first place or that the next episode, “The River of Stars,” starts with West back in the pilot’s seat and seemingly okay.

Alone, most of the SAaB episodes work but back in 1995 the series wasn’t to the point of having a cohesive season-long story.  Grade: B.


Stray observations:

The 58th in their dress blues
The 58th in their dress blues

Portable devices in 2063 have graphics akin to the Apple Newton/Palm Pilots from the 1990s than smart phones of today.

New members of the 58th include Lyndon, Tell and Shankowicz.

Del Gato is a member of the 61st.

The battle takes place around December 3, 2063, or 68 years after the episode aired.

Commander S. R. Kanellos is the Chief Medical Officer of the Saratoga.

“Spammed” is Marine jargon for being killed. Perhaps this is a reference to the dead being buried in space in metal coffins?

One of the members of the 61st killed was a Lt. named Kristen M. Burris who was born in 2041 and who’s service number was 926-42-37008.


Favorite dialog:

'T.C.' McQueen in dress blues
‘T.C.’ McQueen in dress blues

Nathan West: “Every time I close my eyes I hear this familiar voice over and over, ‘stay with the dead.'”

Dr. Kanellos: “Actually, it’s recommended by the VA.”
‘T.C.’ McQueen: “Then something must be wrong with it.”

Dr. Kanellos: “I’d like to believe would come along way since the 20th century.”

Hatfield: “Don’t come over here, I’m rigged!”

Hatfield: “You killed my buddies, you shot me in the gut but you can’t touch my soul.”

Vanessa Damphousse: “We can’t help him.”
Nathan West: “It don’t mean we shoot him.”

Cooper Hawkes (upon entering their bunk empty of their personal materials): “We were only got three days!”



Are there only one nurse and doctor aboard the Saratoga? The same nurse and Dr. Kanellos who treat West when he first arrives on the Saratoga are the two who treat him while he’s recovering in the hospital and later on and are the same who start the mind erasing procedure on him in surgery.

It seems a stretch that the 58th would switch uniforms with the 61st since I can’t imagine the Chigs would be that detail oriented when confirming the dead. And it’s even more of a stretch that no one aboard the Saratoga would notice that the occupants of said uniforms don’t match the 58th after they’re brought to the ship.