G.I. JOE: Silent Interlude 30th Anniversary Edition

Due out this July. From Amazon:

SILENT INVASION! The story that defined a generation – G.I. Joe #21 – remastered from the original art and lovingly recolored to the highest of contemporary standards. This wordless issue introduced the world to Snake Eye’s mysterious nemesis Storm Shadow and his Arashikage Ninja – and they’ve never looked better. Plus, catch an unprecedented glimpse of Larry Hama’s original layouts and Steve Leialoha’s finishes, and a look behind the scenes of the comic’s creation – and at its enduring legacy! Contains all-new commentary by Larry Hama!


Illustrator Dave Dorman releases another book of G.I. Joe toy art

The art featured in the book will be full color paintings produced to make the GI Joe toy figures look as if they would in real life. I will also feature some of the pencil preliminary work that went into my painting preparation. The art covers both Joe and Cobra and some variations of uniforms not produced.

The book sells for $20 and makes a great companion to the original released last year.

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