Author: Bert Ehrmann
John Severin Semper Fi #1 comic cover
Star Trek The Next Generation planet concept art
Commercial Break: Strange Brew (1983) movie trailer
Direct Beam Comms #132
Rumor Control
If you are reading this, the reason why is because of the summer of 1998. Back then I was a punk college kid who finally had a job that would allow me to go to the movie theater on a regular basis. And getting this job coincided with the 1998 summer movie season.
I’ve been interested in movies all my life, but until 1998 going to them was a luxury. I’d go to the movies a few times a year before then, but that always felt like a special occasion and I didn’t always get to see what I would have chosen to. In the 1990s as the movie landscape began to shift I started to pay more and more attention to what was all coming out and began buying magazines like Cinescape and watching Entertainment Tonight in order to be able to see what movies were coming out. Back then, I only had a part time job and as a college student couldn’t really go see a lot of movies in the theater.
All that changed in 1998. So, when I used to see maybe one or two movies in the theater a year I started seeing a movie every few weeks. It helps that the summer of 1998 had some killer movies I still dig to this very day. Honestly, if I see a lineup of movie posters from 1998 it still give me goosebumps.
And because I was interested in movies, and interested in all things creative, I started this website that year specifically to do things like cover all the upcoming movies I was interested in.
There were a few early websites that were already doing this like Dark Horizons and Ain’t it Cool News that were very influential to me. Those sites were mostly about breaking news scoops for upcoming movies. Around that same time there were also proto-blogs that were becoming popular too. Myself, I was more interested in writing about things I’d already seen rather than just about upcoming movie news. So what Dangerous Universe would become was somewhere in between a movie news site and a blog. But rather than talking about my life as people do in blogs I’d talked about movies I’d seen, and as TV became more influential that too.
Over the decades I’ve quit Dangerous Universe many times and the site would sit fallow for long periods, and there were many other years that I’d only post things to the site once or twice a month, if that. But for whatever reason, be it my love of movies and TV shows or simply because I need a creative outlet to express my views or I’d go crazy, Dangerous Universe has endured. The last few years I’ve probably posted more to Dangerous Universe than I have in the last 10 years, and that’s saying a lot. Even 20 years later I still enjoy it.
And I’m not sure it would be here if the summer of 1998 had a bunch of movies that sucked rather than ones that rocked.