Survive Mars
Mission to Mars

For months we've been looking for the origin of the story to the movie M2M. We've been looking for the wrong writer

I received this eMail early Sunday (3.12.00) afternoon. It presents an interesting idea of the emergence of the story to the movie M2M. If the information contained in the eMail is in fact true, the I keep having the same thought:

Should the real name of "PROF. BK" be included in the credits to the movie M2M? 3.13.00

Tell me what you think

Most of what I am about to say is purely speculative on my part, and therefore, no names will be mentioned. My story does, however, present an interesting scenario. I am a Biology College Professor and, although I never was a writer, I have always had an intense interest in Science Fiction. While I was in Graduate School I put together a story about an expedition to Mars. I was an amateur artist, so I thought the best way to portray my story was in comic book form. I called my story THE MARS EXCURSION. I wrote to several book companies to see if I could generate any interest. The only favorable reply was from WARNER BOOKS. An Editor stated that she was "intrigued at the prospect of examining the MARS EXCURSION", and would I be willing to arrange to have it sent to WARNER BOOKS. I presented my comic to WARNER BOOKS on June 18, 1982. They kept my story for over 2 months. On August 24, 1982 I received a curious response from the Editor, who stated that, "I was fascinated by it and compelled to show it to others in our company. But I am afraid that it is not something which would sit comfortably on the WARNER list and will not be able to extend to you an offer of publication". I thought at the time it was strange to say that she was fascinated by the story, but it was unusable! And to whom exactly did she show it?!

My story was returned to me in a brown envelope with a WARNER BOOKS label on it which I still have. I also have all the original correspondences. I thought nothing more of it until the recent opening of MISSION TO MARS (M2M). (I think you know where I am going with this, but PLEASE bear with me!) After researching the backgrounds of the WARNER and DISNEY productions of their Mars movies, I offer the following speculation:

During the time WARNER BOOKS kept my story they ALLEGEDLY made a copy of it and kept it in their archives until a few years ago, when it became rediscovered. WARNER planned to use my story for the plot of their movie, MARS, which was supposed to open in April of this year. But before the movie could be filmed, a certain individual who specializes in comic book format stories and works for DC COMICS (which is now affiliated with WARNER) presents a "story idea" to DISNEY'S TOUCHSTONE PICTURES. This individual ( or 20 individuals) is the obvious LINK between WARNER and DISNEY!! He never claims to have written the story of M2M as the origin of the story remains unknown! Next, the writers of TOUCHSTONE use this story to write the script of M2M. The individual from DC COMICS takes no part in the script writing because of "prior commitments" (It is, I believe, because he is incapable of writing intelligent Science Fiction!). As soon as this happens, WARNER postpones its movie to November 2000 and changes its name to the RED PLANET because they just lost their story to DISNEY and must now write a new one! This is why there are 2 movies about Mars opening so close to one another! After seeing M2M, and although there are several differences, I now would like to present the many similarities between M2M and the MARS EXCURSION:

  1. A three man crew goes to Mars. The mission goes "terribly wrong" and only one crew member survives.
  2. The only survivor must overcome the hostile environment of Mars ( In my story Mars is much more hostile!).
  3. A rescue mission is sent to find out what happened!
  4. My main character's wife is dead and he is reluctant to leave his young son for this mission (In my story, the son plays a major role in the story and is not forgotten about as in M2M).
  5. The survivor and rescue mission discover that Mars was once inhabited by an advanced civilization, but it was destroyed in a catastrophic event (In my story, it is a disease that wipes out the planet).
  6. Sensing doom for their planet, the Martians flee their home and head for Earth!
  7. One Martian remains behind to look after things (In my story, he has already succumbed to the deadly disease and is found dead).
  8. A Martian spaceship is discovered and becomes a possible means for a return trip to Earth ( In my story, the attempt is unsuccessful!).
  9. A self-sustaining green house of plants is found! (Even though in my story, it is of Martian origin).
  10. Human DNA and chromosome patterns are found on Mars by the Earth Astronauts.


11.It is discovered that life on Earth originated on Mars!

The underlying theme of THE MARS EXCURSION runs throughout M2M! Since the writers of M2M already "borrowed" from 2001, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS..., and APOLLO 13, it is not difficult for me to imagine that they also "borrowed" from THE MARS EXCURSION. I take no credit, however, for the sappy dialog, poorly written script, and the ridiculous weepy alien that appeared in M2M! To conclude, it is my contention that the basic theme of M2M came from my story THE MARS EXCURSION, that I presented to WARNER BOOKS 18 years ago. I also contend that if they had adhered to my story more closely, it would have been a better movie! I take some degree of satisfaction that the movie is a BOMB and that my name is not associated with it! I understand that this entire speculation may indeed be pure fantasy on my part! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

Sincerely, "PROF. BK"



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