<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> Starship Troopers 2 Movie Poster
Dangerous Universe

Starship Troopers 2 Movie Poster

In attempt to bolster my wannabe-amateur movie poster career, I've created a poster to the up coming, abet straight to video, release for the movie "Starship Troopers 2" (ST2.) Yes, I realize that it's an injustice for a classic movie like "Starship Troopers" to have a sequel go straight to video, but that's what sometimes happens in the ego driven world of Hollywood.:-)

Just to clarify, this is NOT THE OFFICIAL POSTER for the movie. This is a fan creation made for the enjoyment purposes only.

Lots and lots of people were hot-linking to these images in various bulletin boards and the what-not driving up my bandwidth. (Hotlinking is bad I say, badd!) I've pulled the images from my site, but you can still download them here in ZIP form. Do what you wish with them.

I suppose what I wanted to convey with this poster was desolation and danger. These troopers are totally cut off on an dangerous looking alien world. After I completed the sky I realized that it looked almost like a nuclear explosion rather than a nebula or astronomical looking sky. Still, I think either way that works for the poster.

An alternate tagline for the movie would be: "Out of supplies. Out of ammo. Out of time." But I think that tagline's a bit cliche and overused.

This poster is a combination of about five different images; two desert vistas, an astronomical Hubble photo for the sky, and two photos from the original movie Starship Troopers. The poster took me about six hours to complete from start to finish. 06/15/03

More of Bert's fan-created posters
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  Reign of Fire