Cool John Carter (of Mars) Fan Movie Poster
15 unsuccessful adaptations of “unadaptable” books
There are plenty of reasons to consider a book unadaptable for the big screen: Too long, too niche-y, too divisive, too internal, difficult content, and so on. Successful adaptations generally find unique, innovative ways of tackling difficult material. Unsuccessful ones, on the other hand, often just throw out everything idiosyncratic or complicated and sandwich a few of the book’s signifiers into a more familiar plot and structure.
John Carter (of Mars) Final Movie Trailer
The final movie trailer for John Carter is here, and it’s ACTION, ACTION, ACTION!
The Avengers Movie Poster
I like the overall look and feel of this poster — except that the way it’s laid out makes The Hulk look to be about 100 feet tall and Cap’ about 30!