I like the color combinations, but the lighting on the figures and perspective is a bit funky. If the sun were really behind the characters, then they should be in shadow. Like this.
Category: Uncategorized
The Avengers Movie Photo
Anthrax Fight ‘Em Til You Can’t Single
A Princess of Mars (John Carter) Action Figures
These action figures based on the book A Princess of Mars are pretty nice. Tars Tarkas retails for $300, Dejah Thoris $100 and John Carter $110. I suppose Dejah retails for the least amount of money because she comes with the least amount of clothes!
Frank Darabont Develops New TNT Drama
Nearly six months after he was fired as the executive producer of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Frank Darabont is busy developing a new drama project — this time at rival TNT.
TNT has given a pilot order to L.A. Noir, which takes a look inside the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles cops and villains in the 1940s and 1950s, the heyday of L.A. noir and scandals (such as the Black Dahlia). Darabont will write and direct the pilot.
via Frank Darabont Develops New TNT Drama – Today’s News: Our Take | TVGuide.com.