10 TV shows that were off the air longer than Mad Men – HitFix.com

When “Mad Men” returns to AMC on Sunday, March 25 at 9 p.m., it will be the first new episode featuring Don Draper and friends in 17 months…But that’s not even close to the biggest gap between new episodes for a TV series. Some of the shows that follow returned from cancellation, while others just worked on an idiosyncratic schedule, but all stayed away for longer than the employes of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.

via 10 TV shows that were off the air longer than Mad Men – HitFix.com.

Veep Series on HBO

I was very happy to learn that the upcoming HBO series Veep is co-written by Armando Iannucci and Simon Blackwell and directed by Iannucci. What, you don’t know Blackwell and Iannucci?! They were also responsible for the hilarious TV series Thick of It and film version In the Loop.


Thick of It (link NSFW):

In the Loop:

First Before Watchmen Comic Due Out in June

DC Comics Announces “Before Watchmen” Launch Dates, Variant Cover Artists, and Other Solicitation Details! The adventures of the acclaimed Watchmen continue with all-new titles hitting stores starting in June! DC Comics has announced the ship dates of the first four “Before Watchmen” miniseries, featuring the industry’s hottest talent telling the never-before-told stories behind such intriguing characters as Silk Spectre and Comedian.

via Exclusive: DC Comics Releases New “Before Watchmen” Details.