Mondo is selling a poster of the artwork used as the basis for the 1982 version of The Thing movie. Unfortunately, the poster costs a whopping $250!
Author: Bert Ehrmann
The Amazing Spider-Man Hot Toys Figure
Inside Men TV Series
I’m digging the mini-series Inside Men currently airing on BBC America. It’s like a mix of the storytelling techniques of Lost, the pathos of Breaking Bad and the themes of the TV series The Nine.
Did You Know? Karol Krauser was Fleischer’s Superman Model
While the Fleischer Superman would obviously be based on the character drawn by Joe Shuster as seen in “Action Comics” and “Superman” comic books, they employed a technique known as “Rotoscoping” in which real-life figures were traced in ink, frame by frame, making the animated figures more believable.
Whether he was used in this fashion or not is unknown, but professional wrestler Karol Krauser was used as the male model by the Fleischers to aid in their portrayal of Superman for the animated shorts.
The Missing Ending Of Saul Bass’ PHASE IV Is Found – And Seen
Saul Bass shot a far crazier montage for the transition to Phase IV, but after a test screening Paramount trimmed it out. I don’t really know why – the whole movie is leading up to this 2001-inspired payoff, and if people didn’t like the ending they certainly weren’t going to like the hour and a half prior. Trimming the ending – cutting the money shot, essentially – doesn’t do the film any favors. Looking at the poster above you can get a sense that Paramount was trying to just sell a shitty exploitation film when they were stuck with an almost experimental science fiction piece.
via The Missing Ending Of Saul Bass’ PHASE IV Is Found – And Seen | Badass Digest.