This kit based on the 1958 movie The Blob is disgustingly cool!
Author: Bert Ehrmann
Dangerous Universe has been Bert’s web playground since 1998 when personal web sites were a rarity rather than the norm.
Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Movie Concept Art
Here’s art from the upcoming Marvel Guardian’s of the Galaxy movie due in theaters 2014.
I have to admit, I don’t quite get this one as a movie. I mean, I get that they tie to the whole Marvel cosmos line of characters that tie to Thanos that ties to The Avengers, I just wonder if the general public will rush to see a movie full of characters not many have ever heard of?
Walking Dead Season 3 Commercial
Man of Steel and Godzilla Posters
From the Comic-Con International.
Alien 1979 Prototype Super7 Action Figures
In 1979, prototypes for 3 3/4” action figures for the ALIEN film were developed but never manufactured. Through our network of industry and collector contacts, Super7 has unearthed the original 33-year-old prototypes and will utilize these to help make these “lost toys” a reality.