Revenge of Horror TV!

I have to admit that sometimes I’m a “glass half empty” kind’a guy. I let things like the current state of network TV get me down when instead I should be focusing on the positive, like some seriously great dramas that are about to premiere on cable; namely American Horror Story on FX and The Walking Dead on AMC.

Last spring I took issue with the current state of The Walking Dead. I felt that the story of the show had grown a bit stale and that things weren’t progressing as I’d hoped they would.

Click here to continue reading this column on American Horror Story and The Walking Dead.

Your Favorite Authors Are Frauds: 6 Famous Ghostwriters

It’s almost like learning the truth about Santa Claus: Once you know, it’s so obvious, but you’re still a little heartbroken when you discover that your favorite author didn’t really pen most of the work with his or her name on the cover. Take comfort, though, in the knowledge that many of those ghostwriters are talented enough to be successful under their own names. Here are a few of them.

via Your Favorite Authors Are Frauds: 6 Famous Ghostwriters – Mental Floss.