Cool images of the week for November 15, 2013 CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on November 15, 2013November 13, 2013[nggallery id=29]A mishmash of cool images I’ve collected throughout the week.
CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on April 19, 2012April 19, 2012Falling Skies: The Battle of Fitchburg #1 The first issue of the online comic has been released. …
CategoriesUncategorizedPosted on March 12, 201210 TV shows that were off the air longer than Mad Men – When "Mad Men" returns to AMC on Sunday, March 25 at 9 p.m., it will be the first new episode featuring Don Draper and friends in 17 months…But that's not even close to the biggest gap between new epi…