production notes for the movie M2M have been released.
The production notes are essentially a studios attempt
to sell their movie to the press. 3.10.00
official site to Mission to Mars has had a MAJOR
update with tons of new pics, a cast list and making
of section. I'll have the images online over here
ASAP. 3.9.00
morning's (Sunday) PARADE magazine had a short article
about Jerry O'Connell costarring in the movie M2M.
Unfortunately, it contains many references to Britney
Spears. ;-) 3.5.00
you've signed up on the official site to receive
eMail updates, then you've probably already gotten
this in your inBox. Otherwise, I've posted the eMail
that I received from the official site. 3.4.00
over at Ain't
it Cool News, posted several reviews from film
students who managed to catch a showing of the upcoming
movie M2M. Unfortunately, they HATED the movie!
Pepper Dr.
Pepper is promoting the movie MISSION TO MARS via
a web game and several in-store promotions. Though
I don't have any solid information on just what
these promotions will be, I will keep you updated.
the game isn't active yet, but hopefully will be