
Mars Movies


Titan A.E.

Some interesting info about the upcoming movie TITAN A.E. is included in this article from Yahoo.com. One item of interest about this movie is that it was originally to be the first wholly CGI animated movie at Fox, but time constraints forced it to be animated by more traditional means. 11/3/99

"Titan" By Dade Hayes HOLLYWOOD (Variety)
Marking another major toy deal with the key partner in its "Star Wars" merchandising machine, Fox has signed Hasbro Inc to produce merchandise for its summer 2000 animated picture "Titan A.E." Hasbro will create items ranging from action figures and vehicles to electronic games for the sci-fi film.

     Executives wouldn't divulge the value of the deal, but "event film" arrangements can often reach eight and nine figures. Characters in "Titan" are voiced by, among others, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Bill Pullman, Nathan Lane, Janeane Garofalo and John Leguizamo. Teen and pre-teen boys are the prime target. Other companies with deals stemming from the film include Dark Horse Comics, Penguin Books and clothiers Cranky Boy, Changes and Channel K. Goods will hit store shelves just prior to the picture's bow, tentatively scheduled for sometime in July. "Titan" will be the second theatrical effort by Fox Animation Studios, following "Anastasia" in 1997.

     It depicts existence 15 years after Earth disappears, with humans becoming homeless wanderers who mingle with aliens. Titular Titan is a spacecraft that can save the human race. A handful of other animated pictures are eyeing summer 2000. On the docket so far are "Chicken Run" from DreamWorks, "Dinosaur" and "Recess" from Disney and "Rugrats In Paris" from Paramount.

     It's been a busy year for Hasbro in Hollywood. The company is also toy licensee for Nintendo's Pokemon characters. Warner Bros.' "Pokemon: The First Movie" bows Nov. 10. The news can only help Hasbro stock, which surged to a 52-week high of $37 just prior to the May release of "Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace" but has since slumped, closing Monday at $20.38, down 25 cents. In the second quarter, the company's earnings jumped sixfold over the year earlier. Third-quarter profit surged 43%. The company credited "Star Wars" toy sales for those results.

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