
Mars Movies


Why Preproduction Doesn't Suck

     Luckily for me, I'm one of those people who gets very excited about seeing almost anything from a movie that has yet to come out (I really can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to know everything possible about an upcoming release). I like to see everything from Pre-production artwork to scripts from the yet released movie.

     "It's very, very good to know about a movie years before its release".

     Last year, about this time, I had seen almost nothing about the movies of last Summer, 1998. I had to sit around and wait, like the rest of the public, for anything released form the studios about their upcoming releases. I distinctly remember waiting for the DEEP IMPACT web-site to open months before the movie was released. Then, I remember watching the teaser trailer over and over again not being able to wait until the movie was released (I did the same this for the movie LOST IN SPACE but lets not get into that one).

     Interestingly enough, I'd guess that I've seen about the same amount of pre-production "stuff", art and otherwise, five months before the movies begin to be released for the Summer of 1999 than I had seen two months before the movies were to be released last year. I've placed a few pre-production pieces of artwork on this page. Included, for your consideration, is a painting from the chief Star Wars conceptual artist Doug Chang depiction of the "N1 Royal Starfighter", This is the first indication of what we can expect form the upcoming STAR WARS movie. Elegant design. I'm really excited about seeing what will come of this movie, design wise.

[Pitch BlackThe drawing of the strange creature is from the upcoming movie PITCH BLACK. It seems to depict one of the underground creatures emerging from the shadows during an eclipse of the sun. I've read where someone had compared this drawing to something that might come from Wayne Bralowe, in fact that's the first thing that I thought too. After reading the plot outline of the movie I can honestly say that I'm getting really excited about this one. One thing that I'm really looking forward to seeing things from are the upcoming releases; WWIII, END OF DAYS, MATRIX, DEEP BLUE SEA, THE 13TH FLOOR.....I know I'm missing some there.

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