{Voyager, Lost and Not Found

  As Voyager enters it's fifth season trapped in the Delta Quadrant, I have to wonder why the story-line has yet to improve. Both DS9 and The Next Generation had their mandatory one year of crap season where the storyline wasn't that great. However, both of these series improved over time and became interesting shows that were worthwhile to watch. Then came Voyager.

  We all sat through the mandatory season of crap, waiting for the 'better' second season to arrive, Well, the second season arrived but the stories never got any better. We all hoped that the "next" season would improve, it never did. Quite suddenly, we're in the fifth season of Voyager still waiting for the stories to improve. Perhaps they finally have.

{Voyager The episode of the week of January 17th to the 23rd, was excellent. It featured the character of Tom Pairs being his alter ego "CAPTAIN PROTON" on the holodeck. The story was original and humorous. (Since I also like the whole 1930's serial movie feel I really enjoyed the episode). Hopefully the rest of Voyager'e episodes will be this good. But what if they aren't?

  It's been on for nearly five years and the stories are finally becoming good enough to watch? Other shows that were lacking quality would be "dead" in less than a season. But, since Voyager is the flagship series of UPN it had been given a stay of execution and was left to live on.
Since Voyager will spend it's last two years of "life" as the only new Star Trek series on television, I guess I'll have to start liking it. What I'm concerned about, though, is what about the next Trek series? Will the entire shows run be crap? Will it be the best one yet? Or, will it be the first Trek series to be canceled before it's able to finish it's run?

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